
New Looks on my Gallery

I'm updating my Galleria with new looks... Its on my top To-Do-List.. Done check now ;)
Guess the theme pretty organize and I edited some html css.. add up some height, margin and bla bla bla. Voilaaa... its done. Love my new gallery *.* as usual I love white background (thanks to google)

Akhirnya selese juga ganti en updating my gallery crochet. Mumpung lg ada waktu ^sunday free times^ Udah lama nangkring di to-do-list.. haisshhh ketunda mulu karena factor.. sibuk.. umm males jg :)) .. Di semangatin deh ini hari buat check check list. Post It note udah lama nangkring tp ga kelar2.. mrk teriak2 kali yah. Ga sampe setengah jam udah selese. Lama milih theme nya doang deh (maklum kbiasaan kya blanja, muter2 dulu di cobain baru dibeli.. qiqiqi). Well akhirnya selese jg..

Don't forget to visit them.. Hope you love them and will raise up ur art passions..
Lemme know if you do :) xoxo

March 2013

March always been my favorite month of the year... beside my b-day on march, there's a lot moment to remember on this month. Its still winter time *6 degrees of Celcius* Freezing so I kept under my bedcover warmy comfy *aslinya males*

Early bird wake up, my husband surprised me with a beautiful gift that I needed the most.. had a cute breakfast and birthday party at home tonight. Ah well.. he prepared it by himself. Fantastic. He's always be a sweet ones. Plus I get my new work space ^.^ yaiy and everything to support my artwork has been upgrade. Alhamdulillah. So happy that I can continuously grow my passion of work at home.

Biar tambah semangat berkreasi.. Forzaaaa. Soalnya klo udah kumat ga mood.. aduh mogoknya bisa lama :))
Untungnya my dearest hubby paling ngerti deh.

Thank you Allah for every second blessed that you've given to me.. more year ahead.. more blessed. Xoxo