So whenever you visit London, you can go to China Town in Central London. The Asian Food's World *.*
Kalo mampir kesini jangan lupa bawa bodyguard biar ada yang bawain keranjang blanjaan seabrek2. Biasanya malah suami yg kesana, dy udah apal ak mo beli apa aja.. :)) ga refoott
Anyway you can find so many store up there which provide you so many asian food that rarely you find out every where, especially in Italy.. which I'm only dreaming to find them.
Just take a walk along the China Town..
So many restaurant with Asian Foods on each side of the road, this will surely make your stomach growling hard.. kya ada yang konser di dalem perut begitu memasuki arena China Town... Olala itu baru nyium baunya, belom pandangan mata en mencoba rasa... Can you imagine that : ))
Not only that ones.. you can find also Jajanan Indonesia, such as Onde-onde, Bacang, Cakwe, etc. Mamma Miaaaaa
Nyobain Onde-onde rasanya selangittttt... ^pdhl cuma onde2 ya^
trus lanjut ke cakwe.. alamaaakkkkkk... Heaven feels.. ahahah

Restaurant di sepanjang jalan china town, satu sama lain bersaing dengan menu yang dipajang and they looks so Fantastic.. mulai dari pajangan nyata bebek panggang.. gurita panggang... ohh mio Dio..
Tak tahan lagi.. dilarang kesana kalo lagi diet en puasa.. bisa bubar !!! :)))
The first time I came there... I was jump and screamin happy to find SAOS ABC and TERASI... Horaayy *.^ The more I explored.. the more I found the treasure of Indonesian Foods. Even you can find Tahu pong.. the famous Tempe.. aneka sambal.. saos .. kecap.. indomie.. bihun.. bumbu masak instant.. terasi.. krupuk.. emping.. durian.. soooo many
Once you see Supermarket.. Go inside.. Prepare to Shop till drop
Here they are some shop that will make you fly away back to Indonesian taste
- New Loon Moon Supermarket located in 9 Gerard Street London W1D 5PN, the nearest tube station is Leicester Square, you can walk there little minutes.

- Loon Fung Supermarket near the New Loon Moon, you can find the Loon Fung Supermarket, not so many Indonesian Foods as same as the New Loon Moon Supermarket, but they have many branch around London. So if you feel so faraway to go to central, you can find their branch in their website.
- East West Oriental this one is Indonesian Store, located in Birmingham, out London, but you can make an online order to London, UK mainland and Europe.
- Another groceries store, Chinese/Indian/Pakistan some provides Indomie, vegetable, fruit, flours that similar to Indonesian. Theres a lot of everywhere.
Well that's my recommended place for shopping Indonesian Groceries..
Don't forget your Indonesian Products... and Happy Cooking Indonesian Foods at Home...
It just make me Feels at Home *.*
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