Hello Its been a while... kinda busyyyy.. sibuk berkreasi dengan wool and stuff.. Awalnya meski cuma iseng pengen belajar merajut.. ngisi waktu luang, kok akhirnya malah keterusan yah, dtambah ada yang ikutan pesen minta bikin.. jadi bisnis crochet deh
Sbenernya udah cukup sibuk.. bekerja.. ngurus hubby :)) tapi klo pas lowong nonton Kdrama.. mmmm nih tangan rasanya pengen doing something..
Well for me thats Happiness... doing something that I like and earn with it. More than I expected.. I earn a lots from crochet.. handmade stuff bisa dibilang mahal and people love to buy them
Ak lbh suka bikin amigurumi mini animal... selain lucu... prosesnya cepet... (sehari bisa more than 3 klo niat) .. jdi koleksi pribadi en pas djual mahal loh harganya ^.^ (yaiyyy)
Ga seribet bikin syal.. sweater... yg makan waktu lama.. hissshhh suka pengen ganti project deh klo kelamaan. (aslinya gampang bosen klo kelamaan bikin satu project). Makany deh klo bikin project yg lama (like bag, hats, ecc) biasanya klo pas ada yg order ajah ;)
Well For everyones who willing to see my crochet art.. you can drop and visit me on my Facebook page and tumblr. Can't wait for your visit. Xoxo Henny
The Story of Picorella
Common fellows and friends asking me about Picorella name.. my crafting's blog name
(you can visit here http://picorella.tumblr.com/)
such a cute name and where do i get that idea?
Ah well here's the story.. it was my husband who called me like that.. ^.^
He used to call me with many nickname.. such as chocorella (cos I'm bloody love chocolates) etc etc and the old one is Picorella nickname. It was the first nick name that he'd given to me :))
Picorella = Pico + Rella
Pico from picollina (Italian language means cute, little)
Rella is an adding nick name that commonly used for girls. for example CindeRella ;)
shes a famous one huh :))
So what he means .. Picorella is my cute little girl ;)
Meanwhile the true meaning of Picorella is may come from a craft and relate to a religious expression.
Quite interesting isn't it?
Since I am a person who loves craftinggg and love my religion (InsyaAllah never stop to learn to be a better one) . so I take that name for me..
That's the story goes of my picorella name ;) and I'm kinda love it for my crafting's blog.
Good day friends.
He used to call me with many nickname.. such as chocorella (cos I'm bloody love chocolates) etc etc and the old one is Picorella nickname. It was the first nick name that he'd given to me :))
Picorella = Pico + Rella
Pico from picollina (Italian language means cute, little)
Rella is an adding nick name that commonly used for girls. for example CindeRella ;)
shes a famous one huh :))
So what he means .. Picorella is my cute little girl ;)
Meanwhile the true meaning of Picorella is may come from a craft and relate to a religious expression.
Quite interesting isn't it?
Since I am a person who loves craftinggg and love my religion (InsyaAllah never stop to learn to be a better one) . so I take that name for me..
That's the story goes of my picorella name ;) and I'm kinda love it for my crafting's blog.
Good day friends.
Hello Capri Island :))
Hello alll... apa kabar?? come stai? How are you?
Summer time vacations..
This time we went to Capri Island, Italy. Do you know Capri ? or ever heard about it ?
umm I'm sure you're familiar with Capri -- Leonardo diCAPRIo.. ahahah
Yes he must be already visited this amazing Island.
So from Napoli.. we need to take the boat to Capri, in Italian we called it il traghetto, its about 40 minutes from Molo Beverello Port. But !!! If you suffer from sea sick (just like me) you can take from Sorrento.. it tooks only 15 minutes. The best time to go there is in Spring - Summer time.. but in Summer will be so crowded there. Tourist everywhere.. maybe you can meet some international celebrity here ;))
My Galleria Arte
Since falling in love with my new hobby.. crocheting :)
I start learn from youtube.. It was hard on the first time but then i got used to and love it
About 4 months doing crochet and amigurumi as my new hobby when I have spare time, some friends and colleagues want me to made some crochet stuff for them. So the business began :))
Never thought that my new hobby can be my another profession :)
So guys i hope you can start to crafting if you want. Its fun.. believe me..
Happy crocheting
I share a special gallery for you all
U can visit my new ones click on
Cilok Sambel Kacang
Cilok cilok... makanan cemilan kalo sore yang udah jarang ditemuin di Jakarta..
Dulu suka aku kira bakso, tp kok murah bgd yah, kenyal bener eh ga ada rasa dagingnya.. qqiqiiq
Bakso murah meriah deh buat jajanan waktu SD :))
Saking kangennya, pengen banged.. bikin yukk... Nih Resepnya
The Message - The Story of Islam
I just found this old movie that I've missed so much to watch.
So instead of watch it alone, I decided to watch together with hubby. Alhamdulillah karena sering bantuin hubby belajar agama, jadinya ikutan belajar juga setiap hari, yang insyaAllah menambah iman dan takwa. Aminnn.
Anthony Quinn as Hamza, uncle of Muhammad SAW |
Back to the movie, film nya bercerita tentang kisah Nabi Muhammad SAW (Peace Be UponHim) dari pertama menerima wahyu dari Allah SWT sampai perjuangannya menyebarkan agama Islam dan akhir hayat beliau secara garis besar. The story start in Mecca in the 7th century, Muhammad SAW is visited by a vision of the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) who urges him to lead the people of Mecca to cast aside the 300 idols of Kaaba and worship to the one true God, speaking out against the corrupt political and military leaders who rule Mecca. During his struggling, Muhammad SAW keep remind his followers that He is only a man who received the word from Allah SWT and reveal it to man.
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