
Indonesian Spices - Bumbu Dapur

I just organizing my Indonesian spices, spezie (italian) or bumbu dapur (indonesian).. finally my collection is complete now. It feels so good since its really tricky and hard to find them in Europe. Some I got them at asian store but some are from online shop. Exactly you can find it easy if you know their name in English or in Italian. I would share my English - Italian - Indonesian list of spices and some important Ingredients for Indonesian recipes. Hope this Help for all Indonesian fellows in Europe especially in Italy.

This listing in INDONESIAN - ENGLISH - ITALIAN terms.
Questo é il mio listing di Spezie Asiatica (Indonesia) in Lingua Indonesiana - Inglese - Italiana
  • Asem Jawa - Tamarind - Tamarindo
  • Adas/Jinten manis - Fennel - Finocchio
  • Bawang Merah - Shallots/Onion - Cipolla 
  • Bawang Putih - Garlic - Aglio
  • Bengkoang - Jicama - Jicama
  • Cabai/Cabe - Chilies - Peperoncini 
  • Cengkeh - Cloves - Chiodi di Garofano
  • Cuka Putih - White Vinegar/Distilled Vinegar - Aceto distillato 
  • Daun Jeruk - Citrun Leaves - Foglie di Citrun 
  • Daun Bawang - Spring Onion - Erba di cipollina
  • Daun Kemangi - Basil Leaves - Basilico
  • Daun Salam- Bay Leaves - Alloro 
  • Daun Kucai - Chives - Erba cipollina
  • Daun Pandan - Pandan Leaves - Foglie di Pandan 
  • Daun Pisang - Banana Leaves - Foglie di Banana
  • Ebi - Dried Prawns - Gamberetti Secchi 
  • Gula merah/jawa - Palm Sugar - Zucchero di Palma 
  • Ikan teri - Anchovies - Alici 
  • Jeruk Limau/Nipis - Lime - Limetta selvatica 
  • Jinten - Cumin - Cumino 
  • Jahe - Ginger - Zenzero
  • Kunyit- Turmeric - Curcuma 
  • Kencur - Kencur (I can't find it in Italian name so it would be still Kencur)
  • Ketumbar - Coriander/Dhania Powder  - Coriandolo
  • Kemiri - Candlenut - Mandorle (u can change with Almond if you can't find it)
  • Kapulaga - Cardamom - Cardamomo
  • Kayu Manis - Cinnamon - Cannella
  • Kacang tanah - Peanuts - Arachidi
  • Kenari - Almond - Almond
  • Kelapa - Coconut - Cocco 
  • Kelapa Parut - Coconut Powder - Farina di Cocco
  • Kecap - Soy sauce - Salsa di Soia
  • Laos/Lengkuas - Galangal - Galangal 
  • Merica - Pepper - Pepe 
  • Pala - Nutmeg - Noce moscata
  • Peterseli - Parsley - Prezzemolo
  • Seledri - Celery - Sedano
  • Sereh/Serai - Lemon Grass - Citronella
  • Tomat - Tomato - Pomodoro
  • Tahu - Soy Beancurd - Tofu 
  • Tempe - Tempeh
  • Terasi, Petis - Shrimp Paste - Pasta di Gamberi 
  • Tepung Tapioka - Tapioca - Farina di Tapioca/Fecola di Patate
  • Tepung Beras - Rice Flour - Farina di Riso
  • Tepung Jagung - Corn Starch/Maizena - Farina di Mais

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