If you hear about ITALIA then what do you think... ??
the Beautiful country (jalan2 keliling terus)
the Fashion Moda (bikin shopping terus)
the Food (makaaaannnn enakkk)
and of course the Football League "SERIE A"
the Fashion Moda (bikin shopping terus)
the Food (makaaaannnn enakkk)
and of course the Football League "SERIE A"
Ga afdol klo ga nonton bola.
Jiah masa udah jauh jauh terdampar di Italy, yang terkenal ama bola nya, belom pernah nonton seh. Penasaran daripada ngecess jd wajib hukumnya ikutan nonton Liga Italia Serie A live from Stadium in Italy.
Jiah masa udah jauh jauh terdampar di Italy, yang terkenal ama bola nya, belom pernah nonton seh. Penasaran daripada ngecess jd wajib hukumnya ikutan nonton Liga Italia Serie A live from Stadium in Italy.
Kebetulan gw dulu pas jaman SMA udah suka banget ama bola (suka liat yang maen doang sih, vitamin A, demi kesehatan Mata... ahaha. Fans berat ama Cannavaro. Ternyatah dapet Jodohnya teh sekampung ama bang Cannavaro, sama2 Napoletan :)) waaaaaa ^.^ *kedip2 tinkk* )
Mumpung si babang lg sempet nih ngajak nonton sama Papah mertua jg.. waktunya deh kita nonton. Kali ini match nya Napoli vs Parma
7th Novembre 2010 Live from the Stadium...
We bought three tickets to the agency two days before the match. For Papa, my husband and me. We got the Superior Curva for the seats.
Beli tiketnya dua hari sebelum game, biar kebagian seats, karena ini serie A, bukan serie B ato serie C, biasanya penonton penuh, bukan cm tifosi lokal, tp internasional jg.
Well done i cant wait for sunday.. to see the football match.. yahuiii... the ticket is in my hand now.. *.*
Have great wekeend all...
Just went back at home after the match. ExcitinggggggThough the weather was so cold and windy..brrrr... I was so overwhelmed and excited. Yeapp that was my first experienced for the Italian League SERIE A game. I even decorated my Nails (manicure time) with Napoli theme :)) Kuku palsu nya bertema Napoli 😆
Walopun dingin banget, masih winter.. antrian panjang, check ID, check paspor buat turis yang ikutan nonton, disekitar stadium banyak yang jualan souvenir official team, sama jajanan jg :)) tp masuk stadium ga boleh bawa makanan dan minuman, apalagi tiker piknik. LOL. Niatttt.
Tp jgn takut kelafaaran sodara sodara, didalem jg banyak yang jualan cemilan, makanan minuman (tp ga ada warteg) souvenir, ampe poster and foto pemaen bola jg ada. hadeeh ini pasar apa stadion yah :))
Trus kenapa ga boleh bawa makanan minuman coba??
soalnya takut nih yang penonton bawa tuh bukan minuman, tp bensin buat bakar2 api unggun !!! (ngarang, tp mungkin jg sih). Di dalem stadion, minuman yg dijual bentuknya gelas kertas/plastik. Jd mengurangi bahaya klo supporter/tifosi yg kalah mulai lempar lempar gelas, ga bakal benjol yang dilemparin. ahahaha (ini cm perkiraan gw ajah, alias ngarang lg)
Di Curva sebrang wahhh Tifosi nya ajaib, kembang api dimana mana.
Udah kaya taun baru. Tapi tertib sih, ga sampe bakar bakaran (ampe nyate segala)
Di Curva yg gw pilih nih aman damai, kalem kalem aja, pada sibuk nyemil. qiqiqiqi. termasuk gw :))
Luckily it was a Great match..
Napoli won two Goals.. Tifosi Napoli got party
Everybody was singing loud in the stadium..
Heboooh smua suit2 ketika lawan tanding.. smua nyanyi ketika jagoan maen. That was really fun.. Pas GOAL semuanya berpeluk2an kya teletubbies.. sampe mas mas sebelah hampir salah peluk, si babang ampe melototin itu mas2 italiano (bini ga boleh disenggol 😆) aishh mas mas itu spontan apa sengaja dah. Inget pokonya klo nonton bola klo mau berpelukan sama pasanganny ya.. klo ga bisa berabe. Yg punya marah :))
Here i attached some short video from the match..
From the top seats..I can see every part of the game..
we went to the stadium 3 hours earlier (due to we didn't want to stuck for a long time in entrance queue)
so when we enter the stadium, it was still half people there.
the stadium still on the way of full all seats.. meanwhile the peoples made lots noise and dances..
Alorss Dansss :))
This was when the two goals came up...
Everybody scream
Whatta Great Match...
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