
Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows

Two days more which is 19 Novembre 2010..
my dear Harry Potter the deathly hallows part 1 Premier...

Usually i went to the cinema with my BFF (best friend forever).. this time they are faraway and not with me hikss.. but instead my husband with me. As there's no English Cinema, so we choose to go to the book store, looking for the newest Harry Potter book.

Biasanya tiap premier Harry Potter dari film pertama, bareng BFF pasti nobar deh. Seruuu. Tp karena mrk jauh di Indonesia jdinya yah cm berdua suami ajah. Unfortunately the cinema in this city, they dubbing all the films in italian language, no subtitle in english. Haishh which mean i need to see the movies in italian. This is unfair.. for everyone who cannot speak Italian language, just like me, they have to choose the DVD at home.. :((

Alternative way.. Lets spend time in the book store.. I just love it
Bedanya dsini dsediain sofa dmn2 (hampir ketiduran dehh) and comfortable free to see and read the books that you want to. So cozy and comfy..
Try and start to read the novel in italian lingua..
Hopefully will increase my capability to understanding the italian lingua..
The result is still zerooo :)) pusing.. aahaha... in italian ALLORA, HO CAPITO NIENTE :)))

artiny gw ga ngerti apa2 :D

Anyway i will patiently waiting for the DVD in english, I love the Harry Potter book in Italian version, the cover was so beautiful.
Meanwhile i kept my time with Harry Potter.. my bebeh spent his time with Jimmy Hendrix..
Gubrak, beda aliran getoo loh.. jaman mudanya si abang gitaran mulu.. kya rhoma irama.

We ended the day at the book store as I felt like dizzy with all those languages :)))
I'm thinking to buy it someday if i understand the language.
My thought and wish for Kapan ya Gramedia or another book store se welcome and senyaman ini di Indonesia.. dan bukunya ga dplastikin semua.. feel free for read.. free wifi.. free seats.. bahkan ampe ada cafe segala, mau ngopi ngopi hayuukk.. asal baayar kopinya yah :))

Yahhh maybe someday ;) someday that day will come


  1. oya hen? enak banget ya di sana? jadi inget dulu jaman SD, aku sering banget diusirin sama petugas gramed-nya, gara2 kelamaan baca...wkwk..
    Dulu pas jaman SD, masih banyak yang ga diplastikin, mungkin krn banyak yang kayak aku (baca aja, ga pake beli), jadinya sekarang pada diplastikin :D

  2. Iya ndin, pertama ak ketoko buku di Itali, toko buku besar kya Gramed namanya Fetrinelli didalemnya sofa dimana2.. ada kafe sgala buat yg baca buku gretongan, buku jarang banged diplastikin, ada internet cafe gratis..
    Ini toko buku yg kudtgin cm toko buku kecil lbh mirip perpustakaan, itu aj dah lgkap ndin, mrk g pke penjaga ato mba2 yg mbuntutin kita kemana2 deh :D bebas lah
    Toko buku mmg isinya jg kbykn anak skolah.. inget kita dulu ABG suka di usir2 ya.. fiuh. Gmn mo pinter klo ketoko buku aj susah. Itulah bedanya.. syg sekali negara kita masi DUIT oriented ndin, gmn mo maju nih *garuk2
